Our purpose is to achieve sustainability of our natural resources to meet mankind’s needs, and without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
But, Earth’s resources are finite. We must use them responsibly and sustainably.
4t supports the managers of our natural resources who are responsible for sustainability: Miners, Farmers, Government Utilities, and Business Owners. In order to achieve this we use our Assets: Equipment, Training, Mentorship, and Quality Systems.

Supervisors & Operators
Waste Management Supervisors and operators are at the pointy end of our efforts to deal with this ever-increasing problem: Tools & Skills; Legislation Awareness; Experience & Knowledge.

Waste & Environmental Management
Course content is mapped to partial requirements of Core Modules from the Cert.III – Waste Management (Not a full Cert. III). A short course that covers Landfill & Waste Management + WHS Obligations.

Course Objectives
There are many issues that Must be integrated into everyday tasks: Waste Types, Management Approaches, Hazards & Risks.

Course Registrations
We deliver ‘Face to face’ or online. Your choice of courses can be specifically tailored to suit your requirements, and/or organisation.
Training Course Brochure
Our course brochure provides you with a full course outline – Ready to Download.

4t Consultants has developed a Landfill Waste and Environmental Management Course suitable for Council waste management and landfill operators.
The course aims to extend the knowledge and understanding of existing waste employees, so they have a greater understanding of their individual environmental and safety responsibilities and requirements within their daily tasks. Our 1-day course can be conducted at Council premises and tailored to a specific Council by incorporating details of their specific waste management sites. However, with the ability to customize the course to include site-specific details, 4T is in the process of converting the course to an online format.
This will enable Councils that cover very large areas to offer current training to all employees at times that best suit each location.
Modules covered include:
- Waste Management Principals
- Environmental Management
- Legislation and Standards
- Workplace Health and Safety
- General Landfill Management
- Daily Landfill Operations (Council or site specific practices / policies can be included here)
- Daily Considerations
Students will be required to pass with a minimum of 80% across all quizzes. This pass grade can be adjusted to suit each Council.
To find out more about our online Landfill Waste and Environmental Management Course, please contact our office on 07 4982 4100 or via our CONTACT PAGE.
Training Course
Our course brochure provides you with a full course outline – Ready to Download.

Under environmental legislation, water quality samples must be collected by an “Appropriately Qualified Person”.
To meet this requirement, 4T Consultants has developed an accredited Certificate III Unit of Competency in Water Quality Monitoring:
AHCLPW306 Undertake sampling and testing of water
This course enables participants to collect and analyse water samples correctly.
Site managers can be confident that the samples collected will be in accordance with the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Guidelines.
During training, participants will learn how to sample in accordance with the Queensland Monitoring and Sampling Manual 2009 v2 (DEHP).
Training is delivered in association with: In 4 Training (RTO #32041)
Skills covered include:
- Preparing for a sampling event
- Identifying holding times
- Using correct sample containers
- Avoiding sample contamination
- Conducting in-situ water quality tests
- Preparing sample documentation
- Packing and dispatch of samples
- Conducting sampling safely
The course includes both a theory and a practical component.
Training can be conducted at your location, or at the 4T Office in Emerald.
Please contact us to discuss availability for the certified Surface Water Course on 07 4982 4100 or via our CONTACT PAGE.