Macroinvertebrates, or waterbugs, are an excellent means of monitoring river health – especially to build up a picture of changes in an environment over time. Macroinvertebrate sampling does no damage to the environment, and the most common species are relatively easy to identify to the trained eye.
Practical Applications for Aquatic Ecology Monitoring and Sampling:
- Comparisons to macroinvertebrate Reference Collection held by 4T.
- Macroinvertebrate monitoring to fulfil Environmental Authority conditions.
- Selection of appropriate macroinvertebrate sampling locations.
- Aquatic ecosystem health assessments over time.
- REMP monitoring and reporting.
4T has AusRIVaS trained personnel available to conduct macroinvertebrate assessments.
AusRIVaS is the industry standard methodology for macrovertebrate studies.
Our team has been conducting macroinvertebrate assessments throughout the Fitzroy Catchment since 2007, establishing long-term trends of catchment health. Consequently, we can provide our clients with an accurate picture of their macroinvertebrate populations. Over time, we have even seen species identified in reports that do not exist in the Fitzroy Basin at all.
In conjunction with the Fitzroy Basin Association, 4T has established a Reference Collection of macroinvertebrate species encountered in the catchment.
At least once per year, we do a macroinvertebrate sampling workshop with the kids at the Central Highlands Science Centre, and it’s always a fun few hours watching them hunched over their bowls trying to match the bugs they’ve found to the identification chart.
For more information please contact us.

Seed shrimp (Class Ostracoda)
Photo: 4T Consultants Reference Collection