Order Series One
The Oil Palm Series is available in a Field Handbook or in a smaller Pocket Guide format. They are also available in BAHASA Indonesian.
Series One is currently available and you can download here. Click image to go to Shop.

Ian Rankine has co-authored a series of Field Handbooks for Oil Palm Farm Management. First released in 1999, Ian has been working on Series Two which will be printed in 2018.
Explore Series One by downloading our complimentary preview. Click image to preview and download.
Field Handbook
Field Handbook | Contents include:
- Objectives
- Standards
- Equipment
- Materials
- Procedures
- Frequency
- Timing
- Task
- Records
- Environment
- Safety
- Notes

Ian Rankine has co-authored a series of Field Handbooks for Oil Palm Farm Management. First released in 1999. The second series was released in 2019.
“Meticulous attention to detail in nursery and plantation development, and field management, as well as scrupulous care in the use of resources (land, labour, equipment and materials), is required if potential profitability is to be achieved in the present economic conditions. The pace of change today means that managers have to gain and implement knowledge to achieve best planting practices much more rapidly than ever before.”
“The Oil Palm Series draws on the wealth of experience and knowledge available and has been designed to contain all the essential information for each aspect of management in a clear, consistent and user-friendly layout. Each job is clearly described in terms of objective, standard, equipment and materials, frequency, timing and task applicable for each task.”
Pocket Guide
Pocket Guide | Contents include:
- Objectives
- Standards
- Equipment
- Materials
- Procedures
- Frequency
- Timing
- Task
- Records
- Notes

Volume I. | Nursery
Description | A handbook for personnel in charge of nursery management. Includes specific instructions and information on site selection and preparation, irrigation, transplanting, monitoring seedling performance and deficiency symptoms.

Volume II. | Immature
Description | A handbook for personnel in charge of plantation development. Includes guidelines on land preparation for planting (surveying, land clearing, platform construction, legume cover) and procedures for immature maintenance (weeding, nutrient management and census activities).

Volume III. | Mature
Description | A handbook for personnel in charge of operations in mature plantings. Topics cover harvesting and delivery efficiency, weeding, nutrient management, mulching with empty fruit bunches, canopy management and pruning, and to a lesser extend pest and diseases.
Order Series One
The Oil Palm Series is available in a Field Handbook or in a smaller Pocket Guide format. They are also available in BAHASA Indonesian. Series 2 will be available in 2019.