Australia’s national use of groundwater increased by 90% between 1983 and 1996.
And yet, this vital resource is still widely misunderstood, so comprehensive monitoring plans and accurate monitoring techniques are necessary to inform our current and future use of precious groundwater.
4T has been conducting groundwater studies since 1997 for agribusiness, mining and urban clients. Over the years, we have developed our own specialised low-flow groundwater pumping equipment for the types of groundwater bores that we encounter, and the types of monitoring we undertake for our clients.
Our groundwater pumping equipment is manufactured specifically for us, by local manufacturers.
All 4T team members are trained and capable to undertake groundwater monitoring and assessments for all situations including landholder bores, village water supplies, compliance monitoring and complex groundwater investigations.
Along with our specialised groundwater pumping equipment, we have developed robust and comprehensive monitoring procedures that ensure repeatability of results.
4T’s Groundwater services include:
- Groundwater water level monitoring and mapping
- Groundwater quality sampling to accepted Standards
- Groundwater capacity assessments
- Pump testing of bores
- Baseline groundwater assessments for development projects.
- Groundwater mapping and detailed analysis
- Long term groundwater impact monitoring and assessments.
- Location and mapping of groundwater resources
- Our “Getting To Know Your Groundwater” Workshop for agribusiness.
4T has developed sampling equipment and procedures that have proven to provide consistently reliable results, with minimal waste water production.
4t Consultants groundwater monitoring and sampling is completed in accordance with the appropriate standards:
- DEHP Monitoring and Sampling Manual, (2009),
- AS/NZS 5667.11:1998
- AS/NZS 5567.1:1998
- AS/NZS 5667.4:1998
- Groundwater Sampling and Analysis – A Field Guide. (2009) Geoscience Australia
- Regulatory monitoring and testing – Groundwater sampling. (2007) EPA South Australia
- AS 2368-1990 : Test pumping of wells
- Baseline Assessment Guideline. (2011) DERM QLD
For more information please Contact 4t.